New Kate Middleton Naked Pics Published In Chi Magazine (Photos)

New Kate Middleton Naked Pics Published In Chi Magazine (Photos) 0916

Chi magazine editor, Alfonso Signorini, said “Not even a direct call from the Queen would stop him from printing 50 new pictures of Kate Middleton and Prince William while on vacation in Provence a couple weeks ago. Well, he made good on his promise. With a headline reading “Court Scandal: The Queen is Nude!” Chi published a 26-page spread of Prince William, and more importantly, Kate Middleton’s boobs enjoying some rest and relaxation.

Although there was an uproar against Closer magazine and the Irish Daily Star for printing private pictures of the royal couple, Signorini remained adamant in his decision and is confident legal action can’t be taken against him. “I am convinced by this scoop that Chi will be publishing on Monday because that is what we are talking about. These pictures are not offensive or in poor taste, they are not morbid and they do not damage the dignity of anyone. Instead the pictures that were published in Britain of Prince Harry were exactly that – if I didn’t recognise the journalistic value of what I had then if I did not publish them I would be better off in a market selling artichokes. These pictures were taken while the couple were on a terrace and they were taken from a public place so there is no suggestion of an invasion of privacy.”

The royal couple’s legal team tried everything to stop the photos from going to press, but unfortunately for Kate, failed so far. William’s still on a rampage vowing to protect his wife and has even said he hopes to jail the photographer that took the long-range photos from a private road.

So because of popular demand, here are the new pics. We’ll update as we get more so check back! What do you think? It this worth all the legal headache? Should William just settle it and move on? Do you think the royal uproar is causing this to be more of a scandal than it should have been? The more William keeps crying the more this will drag out. Kate, to her credit, is not crying. As More Images Become Available We Will Add Them To This Post… Keep Coming Back To Check Please.