Did you watch Two and a Half Men last night? We did and we recapped it for you here! I loved when Lyndsey called Zoey “a stuck up English muffin” and Zoey insinuated that Lyndsey didn’t have refined taste to appreciate opera. Didn’t you think it was funny when Zoey and Lyndsey made all those noises to pretend that they were having fantastic sex with their significant others?
Walden told the truth about not really have sex when Zoey when she was doing all that moaning the night before, but the best part of the show for me was when Alan told Walden that he had the best sex of his life! Alan hasn’t changed much since Charlie died, right?
I almost forgot another great line tonight, when Lyndsey recites her poem to Zoey, “roses are red, violets are blue and you can bite my unrefined white ass”. Didn’t you think that comment was hilarious?
When the two women were going to turn their bickering into a physical fight, Zoey tells Lindsey to “bring it on Snooki” – I don’t know if Snooki herself would appreciate that comment, but it was funny, wasn’t it?
There was some really good comedy tonight, but I think they could have kept the vulgar part out, don’t you? I could have watched the whole show without knowing that Lyndsey was on her period and Alan wasn’t thrilled about having a “bloody Valentine”. I found the comment to be rude a vulgar, what about you?
Walden tells Alan that if things don’t improve between the women, he may have to find a new place to live which makes Alan consider getting rid of Lyndsey. Not a wonder why Alan can`t keep a women, what do you think, should he have disrespected Lyndsey like that?
The end of the show brings Alan hanging on to Walden for dear life and the two women finally coming to a truce, did you like the ending? What did you think about the whole show? I love the comedy part – the one liners, but I really could do without the vulgar parts, what about you?