The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Can Hope Stop Aly From Destroying Wyatt By Telling Eric He Stole The Diamond – Quinn Tries To Kill Aly (VIDEO)

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Can Hope Stop Aly From Destroying Wyatt By Telling Eric He Stole The Diamond - Quinn Tries To Kill Aly (VIDEO)

Today on The Bold and the Beautiful, Aly managed to con the security guard Charlie into revealing why he and Pam hated Wyatt and what they knew about him that they were hiding.

As we know, Wyatt works at The Forrester Collection and he had come up with an idea on how to display the jewels to the public using their stores. Unfortunately, one of the first things they displayed was the diamond, which proceeded to go missing. Wyatt ended up finding the diamond and saving the day, and finding the ‘thieves’ in the process, which ended up garnering the Collection and the store a lot of publicity. However, it turns out that Wyatt actually framed other people for the theft when he was the one who took the diamond, although he did it for the publicity as opposed to personal gain.

Charlie and Pam knew about the theft but refused to reveal the truth because they felt it would ruin the Forrester brand, especially if the public found out that it was a setup. Alas, Aly’s smart enough to work her way around the lies, and she manages to get Charlie to fess up. And then, seething with righteous anger over what Wyatt has done, Aly tells Charlie, “Wyatt is not just selfish and corrupt he is a criminal and criminals deserve to be punished.”

Aly is now thrilled that she finally has ammunition on Wyatt. As we know, her obsession with Hope has been getting out of hand, and now she’s handed the perfect evidence to convince Hope to dump him. However, the minute that she encounters Hope and tells her the truth, and then adds that she’s calling the police, Hope slams the phone and tells her not to tell the police anything!

However, with Aly’s mental state being as precarious as it is, I doubt she’s going to keep quiet on this matter. Even if she doesn’t go to the police, it’s possible that she goes to tell Eric, the Forrester family’s patriarch. And if Eric finds out, will he fire Wyatt? Will he do something worse to Wyatt? Or will Aly take things into her own hands? And what will Quinn do once she finds out what Aly knows and what Aly’s planning on doing?

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.